Dragon Ball Super Vegeta Vs Beerus Spongebob Season 1 Funny Moments

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" A God of Destruction taught me that power derived solely from instinct is unbounded.


Vegeta is the disgraced prince of the Saiyan race, one of the few survivors of his species after Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta. Left with no choice but to follow his orders, Vegeta travelled across the galaxy and eradicated planets for sale before he was brought to Earth by Raditz's report of the Dragon Balls, a magical set of balls that could grant him immortality. Upon arriving on Earth, he ultimately comes to encounter and fights Son Goku, the man who would go on to become his greatest rival.

Originally a selfish, arrogant, and ruthless killer with no concern but himself, Vegeta slowly grows into a more heroic figure over the course of his goal to become the strongest fighter in the universe, falling in love with Bulma and having a son, Trunks, without ever losing sight of his rivalry with Goku.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 4-B | At least 4-B with normal SS forms, 3-A with Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue | At least 4-B with normal SS forms, 3-A with SSG & SSB, higher with Completed Super Saiyan Blue, even higher with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution | At least 4-B with normal SS forms, 3-A with God forms | At least 4-B with normal SS forms, 3-A with God Forms, higher with Ultra Ego

Name: Vegeta, Vegeta IV

Origin: Dragon Ball

Gender: Male

Age: 46 (physically 48) to 48 (physically 53)

Classification: Saiyan, Super Saiyan, Saiyan God

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which can home in on targets, and form defensive barriers, and he changed the weather by powering up), Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels), Supernatural Willpower (he was able to resist Babidi's mind control through sheer will), Enhanced Senses (Saiyans have exceptional senses, allowing Vegeta locate small, distant objects by tracking their smell, see clearly over long distances, and track the movements of others even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air), Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Explosion Manipulation (via Dirty Fireworks), Can project fire balls, Flight, Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities), Reactive Power Level (As a Saiyan, Vegeta grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Shockwaves Generation, Afterimage Creation, Power Mimicry (Presumably copied Krillin's Kienzan), Telekinesis (He can use this to cause opponents to suddenly burst apart from the inside with an explosion), Rage Power, Light Manipulation (Super Saiyan forms can generate light in pitch-black condition), Self-Destruction, Transformation (Can transform into Super Saiyan 1 and 2, increasing his capabilities drastically), High Pain Tolerance, Adapted up to over 450° times Earth's gravity via the Gravity Machine in the Buu Saga, Fusionism (Via Potara Earrings), Resistance to Cold, Heat, Radiations, and Mind Manipulation (Vegeta was able to overpower Babidi's hold on his mind through sheer willpower), and Harsh Temperatures (Survived and trained extensively for three years within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, which has temperatures that range from -40°F to 248°F)

All previous abilities, with more Transformation (Can transform into Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue from RoF Saga onward, increasing his capabilities astronomically), can possibly create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with his energy via powerscaling (From SSG form onward). Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God with God Transformations)

All previous abilities, with another Transformation (Can transform into Super Saiyan Blue Evolution from Universal Survivor Saga onward, increasing his capabilities massively), Fusionism (via Fusion Dance, from Broly Saga onward)

All previous abilities, Teleportation (Via Instant Transmission), Limited Soul Manipulation, Fusion/Absorption Negation & Ki Transfer (Via Forced Spirit Fission)

Attack Potency: Solar System level (Comparable to Son Goku) | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue (Portrayed as equal to Goku in the Universe 6 saga, and trained together inside the ROSAT for 3 years. Got significantly stronger in Future Trunks Saga, fought and overpowered Goku Black, despite the latter powering up again mid-fight) | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with SSG & SSB, higher with Completed Super Saiyan Blue (According to Whis, with this form, Vegeta is at least as strong as Completed Super Saiyan Blue Goku. Toppo, who had fought CSSB Goku previously, stated that Vegeta is on par with Goku in terms of sheer power), even higher with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution (Stronger than before. Fought a suppressed Jiren, but was quickly overwhelmed when the latter got serious) | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with God forms (He is seen training with Goku, it is also implied that they have been training for a considerable amount of time, so he should be stronger than before. Overpowered Moro before the latter recovered his youth and original power. After his training on Yardrat, Vegeta grew massively in strength and could somewhat impress Original Power Moro with his power) | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with God forms, higher with Ultra Ego (Far stronger than before. Capable of holding his own against Granolah with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, albeit weaker. Upon entering his Ultra Ego state, fought on par with Granolah and even pushed him to his limits, requiring him to evolve his Cerelian Eye in order to keep up)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Comparable to Goku) | Massively FTL+ with normal SSJ forms, far higher with God forms (Comparable to SSB Goku. Faster than Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black, as he was able to overwhelm him after his training) | Massively FTL+ with normal SSJ forms, far higher with God forms (Equal, if not faster, than Toppo. Could somewhat keep up with a suppressed Jiren) | Massively FTL+ with normal SSJ forms, far higher with God forms (Faster than Weakened Moro and after training he could somewhat keep up with Original Power Moro) | Massively FTL+ with normal SSJ forms, far higher with God forms (Faster than before. Able to keep up with Granolah)

Lifting Strength: At least Class M (Significantly above Yuzun even in his base form)

Striking Strength: Solar System Class | At least Solar System Class with normal SS forms, Universal with SSG & SSB | At least Solar System Class with normal SS forms, Universal with SSG & SSB, higher with Completed Super Saiyan Blue, even higher with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution | At least Solar System Class with normal SS forms, Universal with God forms | At least Solar System Class with normal SS forms, Universal with God forms, higher with Ultra Ego

Durability: Solar System level | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with SSG & SSB | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with SSG & SSB, higher with Completed Super Saiyan Blue, even higher with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with God forms | At least Solar System level with normal SS forms, Universe level with God forms, higher with Ultra Ego (Able to endure several attacks from full-power Granolah and continue fighting)

Stamina: Superhuman. Vegeta can train for days with minimal rest while constantly pushing himself to his limits, getting up again and again to train more despite the severe damage he deals to himself in the process. In combat, Vegeta's endurance is famous, allowing him to continue fighting against the Goku and the other Z-Fighters despite his steadily worsening condition. Even after being launched into the sky by a Kaio-ken x4 Kamehameha, losing his tail, and being hit by a Spirit Bomb, Vegeta was able to stubbornly keep on fighting, refusing to die or give up. He withstood an extended, brutal beatdown in his fight with Kid Buu despite the massive difference in their power. Can engage in combat in low oxygen environments. | Superhuman as a Super Saiyan God | Below Average with Super Saiyan Blue (Even using 10% of Super Saiyan Blue takes a significant amount of stamina to use, forcing him to switch to Super Saiyan God in rapid succession) | Superhuman with Completed Super Saiyan Blue | Superhuman with Super Saiyan Blue Evolution | Superhuman with Ultra Ego. Withstood and endured multiple attacks from Granolah, and could still keep fighting.

Range: Standard melee range. Interplanetary with ki blasts and attacks | Standard melee range, Universal with ki blasts, attacks (Superior to Super Saiyan God Goku, who could send shock waves throughout the universe with punches) | Same as before | Standard melee range. Universal ki blasts, and attacks | Same as before

Standard Equipment: During the Saiyan Saga, Vegeta has a Scouter, but he discards it afterwards.

Intelligence: Gifted. Vegeta is a cunning and skilled warrior whose refined technique shocked Goku during their first fight, leaving such a lasting impression that Goku wished for him to stay alive so that he could surpass him. While he often relies on his sheer power and fighting ability to win his battles, his intelligence is not to be underestimated. During the events of the Namek Saga, Vegeta was able to keep a low profile and outmaneuver Frieza's forces, leaving them scrambling to find him while he gathered all of the Dragon Balls. In the Cell saga, destroying Android 19, he feigned confidence and strength to scare Gero into fleeing, which was greatly beneficial given how much energy 19 had drained. Finally, during his fight with Cell, he was able to exploit his overconfidence for a chance at a free blow with his Final Flash. He is skilled at reading his opponent's movements and constantly thinks out his strategies and motions in combat, to the point that Whis says he overthinks things. In the past, he often got drunk on his power whenever he got a substantial boost and discarded his more pragmatic tactics, but he has gotten less and less arrogant over time.

Weaknesses: Vegeta is arrogant and prideful, and if overpowered by someone he considers below him, he can lose his temper. He also seeks strong opponents and therefore will allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. Vegeta can learn techniques quickly but he has an incomplete mastery of Instant Transmission, leading him to believe he'd be unable to perform it again. There's a limit to the amount of energy he can rip away through Forced Spirit Fission. He's unable to use the full power of Ultra Ego since it would require he fully abandon his morality. Ultra Ego allows him to grow significantly stronger just by taking damage, but at the same time makes him prone to injuries.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Ki: The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts and beams of energy, projecting them from the hands, fingers or even the whole body. It can also be used to create defensive barriers, aura shockwaves and explosions; Vegeta can also create a sword-like construct. Along with his Saiyan blood, Ki acts as the source of Vegeta's incredible power and abilities. Born with an abnormally high power level, even at a young age it was believed that Vegeta would certainly surpass his father, and for many years he remained as the strongest Saiyan in the universe. In combat, Vegeta often makes use of high amounts of ki blasts, firing them in large amounts and in rapid succession to overwhelm his opponents. As opposed to other Dragon Ball characters, Vegeta has a host of signature attacks.

  • Kienzan: Krillin's signature technique, which Vegeta presumably copied from him. Raising his hand above his head, Vegeta creates a razor-sharp disc of ki with incredible cutting power, and then throws it at his opponent. It should be noted that the Kienzan can cut through opponents that are several times stronger and more durable.
  • Big Bang Attack: After extending his arm and opening up his palm, Vegeta creates a massive sphere of energy, which he then fires at his opponent, causing a massive explosion.
  • Dirty Fireworks: By pointing his index and middle fingers at his opponent, Vegeta causes them to be engulfed by a massive explosion that destroys them from the inside out, killing most opponents instantly. Vegeta can perform something similar with a simple hand gesture and causing things to explode, as seen when he destroyed some rocks thrown at him by Moro.
  • Final Explosion: The suicidal technique that Vegeta ultimately uses in an attempt to destroy Majin Buu, converting all of his life force into energy and causing a massive explosion that levels his surroundings and reduces Vegeta to a crumbling stone statue. Vegeta can generate a similar but weaker type of explosion as a last resort, without having to consume all of his life energy.
  • Kiai: A series of invisible ki bullets fired from the palm of Vegeta's hand.
  • Galick Gun: Vegeta's most famous signature technique. Pulling both of his hands to his chest, he gathers ki before firing the beam straight at his opponent.
  • Final Flash: One of Vegeta's most famous attacks. After spending some time gathering the massive amounts of energy needed for the technique, Vegeta releases it all as a massive, high-power beam of ki that can completely engulf and incinerate a foe.
  • Gamma Burst Flash: The most powerful energy wave technique used by Vegeta. Vegeta charges ki in both of his hands like a variant of Final Flash and then releases it similar to a double Galick Gun with his hands in an inverted position, resulting in a devastating beam capable of greatly damaging even those who are stronger than Vegeta himself.


  • Fusion Dance: A special dance created on planet Metamor, learnt by Vegeta from his son Trunks. This technique allows to beings to fuse and become a much more powerful entity. To ensure an optimal result, the two must perform all poses correctly, otherwise the fused being will be weak and goofy. The more similar are the height and personality of the two, the better the new being will be, but it will always last only for 30 minutes, with this time limit becoming shorter if the strength of the fusion increases too much. Vegeta used it in order to face Broly, performing the Dance together with Goku and giving birth to Gogeta.


  • Spirit Control: A special ability invented by the inhabitants of Planet Yardrat, who address Ki with the word Spirit. It focuses on strengthening the balance between body and spirit, allowing the user to control it in a more efficient way, which includes projecting it better and performing several unique techniques. Becoming proficient with Spirit Control usually requires a large amount of time and training but Vegeta, thanks to his natural talent, managed to learn it in a matter of months, although not perfectly, while Goku employed a whole year.
    • Instant Transmission: Vegeta learned Goku's signature technique from the Yardrats and was able to use it to teleport across the Galaxy to Earth, though he admits he likely wouldn't be able to use it again and has no interest in mastering it.
    • Forced Spirit Fission: Vegeta can separate energy from his target from a distance by hitting them physically or with energy attacks, as long as he manages to deal even a minimum amount of damage. This power allows him to undo Fusions and reverse absorptions taken in by his opponent, reducing them to their original selves. Vegeta can also rip away the energy of one or multiple people and transfer it to someone else.
  • Hakai: The signature technique of the Gods of Destruction. Vegeta started learning it from Beerus in opposition to Goku's Ultra Instinct. This powerful attack allows Vegeta to completely erase the target and its soul from existence, generating an explosion in the process, whose yeld depends on the size of what has been erased. Vegeta became quite good with it, being able to affect several logs thrown at him and even a huge one, erasing an entire river along with it.

The physiology of a Saiyan, an aggressive warrior race of conquerors. Saiyans have the natural ability to control ki and to fly. While his lifespan is comparable to that of a human, Vegeta will remain at his peak strength for much longer. One of the most powerful abilities of a Saiyan is their ability to grow stronger and stronger through combat, allowing Vegeta to constantly push his own limits during a fight and rise to higher and higher peaks in power. This ability grants a substantial boost in power when Vegeta is badly injured, allowing him to reach a whole new level of power once he recovers.

  • Super Saiyan: The famous, legendary transformation of a Saiyan that allows them to greatly surpass their limits and reach the fabled state that is Super Saiyan. After desperately attempting to reach the state for years, Vegeta finally becomes a Super Saiyan out of sheer hopeless desperation. These transformations can be reached through extensive training, but are more often unlocked in moments of intense emotional turmoil and need, and due to the natural aggressiveness of Saiyans, they cause the user to become more aggressive and malicious, though Vegeta managed to make these things effectively a non-issue through training. While immensely powerful, Super Saiyan transformations drain a lot of energy, and the first was very inefficient before Vegeta mastered the state and became a "Full Power Super Saiyan", allowing him to maintain the form effectively indefinitely without issue. While the original Super Saiyan state is eclipsed in power by Super Saiyan 2, the higher forms become increasingly inefficient.
  • Super Saiyan God: A divine transformation that far surpasses the regular numbered Super Saiyan transformations, achieved through a ritual involving six righteous Saiyans, or through rigorous divine training. Vegeta reached this form through training with Whis. In this form, Vegeta gains divine ki and cannot be sensed by mortals.
  • Super Saiyan Blue: A form reached through the combination of Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan, greatly surpassing the power of a Super Saiyan God. Unlike other Super Saiyan transformations, this transformation requires a perfectly calm mind and flawless ki control. Initially the Super Saiyan Blue used to consume a lot of energy, preventing him to maintain this transformation for long. To make up for that, Vegeta created a way to switch between the well-balanced Super Saiyan God and the powerful Super Saiyan Blue, quickly activating the former while landing an attack, just to return to his previous form immediatedly after and preserve energy. He eventually surpassed this limit and even managed to copy Goku and contain inside him all the overflowing power of the Super Saiyan Blue, which used to manifest as a dense aura, greatly increasing his perfomances and surpass the loss of stamina.
    • Super Saiyan Blue Evolution: Through breaking his limits in the midst of battle, Vegeta was able to tap into a further degree of Super Saiyan Blue, which allowed him to fight competently against a suppressed Jiren. Used the same form to get the upper hand against Moro.

Key: Battle of Gods Saga | RoF - Future Trunks Saga | Universe Survival - Broly Saga | Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga | Granolah the Survivor Saga

Note: Ultra Ego is also being considered as a God Form


Notable Victories:

Alien X (Ben 10) Alien X's Profile (Ultra Ego Vegeta was used, and speed was equalized)

Notable Losses:

Luigi (Mario Bros) Luigi's Profile (Speed was equalized, Moro Arc Vegeta, and Power Star Amped Luigi were used)

Son Goku (Chou) Goku's Profile (Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku and Ultra Ego Vegeta were used. Battle took place on an indestructible planet, and both started 50 meters away from each other)

Inconclusive Matches:



Source: https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Vegeta_(DBS_Manga)

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