tom holland as peter parker aka spider-man in far from home (left) and brie larson as carol danvers aka captain marvel (right)

Marvel Comics have been effectually for over 80 years and in that time they have introduced innumerable superheroes and villains. From Tony Stark AKA Iron Human being and Steve Rogers AKA Helm America to Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man and Carol Danvers AKA Captain Marvel — they are names that we all know.

Even those who are supposed to be on the same side have establish themselves at odds. Information technology tin get as baleful equally Civil War or as trivial as the dispute brought to light in 2010's The New Avengers #iii by Brian Michael Bendis in which Ballad Danvers, who was all the same going past Ms. Marvel at the time, revealed a secret that shocked her team.

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The New Avengers ms marvel carol danvers peter parker spider-man and ben grimm the thing comic
Credit: Curiosity Comics

Carol Danvers told Spider-Man, and recent new addition to the team Ben Grimm AKA The Affair from The Fantastic Iv, that she had never seen the blockbuster hitting The Ghostbusters (1984). The seminal action-comedy striking starred Pecker Murray as Dr. Peter Venkman, Dan Aykroyd equally Ray Stantz, Harold Ramis every bit Ego Spengler, Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddermore, and Sigourney Weaver every bit Dana Barret.

During a battle against some "ghosts," Peter Parker is shocked to learn Carol Danvers has been "too busy" to accept always seen information technology. Ben Grimm is even more alarmed, declaring "I can't fifty-fifty talk to you right at present. That is so upsetting."

The gap in Helm Marvel'due south popular culture repertoire is probably even bigger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. InHelm Curiosity(2019) starring Brie Larson, Carol lost all of her memories and has spent much of her time far away from Earth defending planets that exercise not have the Avengers to save them. She was kidnapped past the main villain Kree warrior Yon-Rogg (Jude Police) and went on to rescue the Skrull refugees, vowing to help them observe a new home. She did not return to Globe again until the post credit scene of Avengers: Infinity War(2018).

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tom holland as peter parker aka spider-man in captain america civil war with shield
Credit: Marvel Studios

Peter Parker is known for his popular culture references – something that has been carried over to his MCU counterpart played by Tom Holland – "Hey guys, y'all ever see that really sometime movie, Empire Strikes Back?" from Helm America: Civil War (2016).

He definitely feels comfortable ribbing Carol for her lack of lurid culture cognition. They've been shut friends for years following the failure of what might be the most awkward first date in Curiosity Comics history in 2009's Ms. Marvel #47 by Brian Reed.

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carol danvers ms marvel and peter parker spider-man awkward date marvel comics
Credit: Marvel Comics

More recently in Helm Marvel #27 by Kelly Thompson, while Carol is rebounding from her bad breakup with Rhodey AKA War Car she goes on speed dates that included Spider-Man, Namor and Physician Foreign – whom she continued to date for some fourth dimension.

Marvel Studios will most like spare Avenger fans this awkward moment every bit there is a significant historic period difference between Tom Kingdom of the netherlands'south character and that of Brie Larson'south Carol Danvers. Though there were rumors that he might develop a crush on her by the time that the Captain CuriositysequelThe Marvelshits theaters on November 11, 2022.

Hopefully Spider-Homo's new magical upgrades in Spider-Man: No Way Home (Dec 17, 2021) get over better than Captain Marvel'due south. She recently learned some magic against Doctor Strange's wishes in Captain Marvel #28 and it caused a huge backlash from the Marvel Comics magic customs.

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carol danvers captain marvel speed date marvel comic iron man spiderman antman namor
Credit: Marvel Comics

Spider-Man fought on Captain Marvel's side in 2016'southward Ceremonious War Two by Brian Michael Bendis and she even allow him take the pb in this twelvemonth'due south Avengers: Mech Strike #two by Jed Mackay. Carol even made her first appearance as Captain Marvel in Avenging Spider-Man #nine by Joe Madureira.

Information technology'southward condom to say their friendship tin withstand this blow. But she should definitely leave the pop-civilization references to him.

Annotate what other pop culture moments y'all remember Captain Marvel missed during her fourth dimension in space.

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